The Studio

The Studio
Experience The Joy Of Painting!


Have you had fun at a painting party? Want to further your skills? Join a weekly art class. Learn to draw, paint, and create.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Art Classes Roswell, GA

Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it.” Salvador Dali  

Well, as I upload these photos, I am once again deeply impressed by the work of all my students!  Several of you have requested the quote that I read to you regarding perfectionism.  You will find that quote after the last photo.

To see more of my students work, please visit my website:  CLICK HERE
To inquire about taking classes:  CLICK HERE

painting class marietta ga

Being a perfectionist is not about being the best we can be, it is actually going about to prove that nothing we ever do is ‘good enough’.  It is listening to the voice from within or (maybe a voice from the past) that says, “You’re doing it all wrong.  So, you do it over and over again until you ‘get it right’ and ultimately, you never do and thus you are never satisfied.  You have only proven that nothing you ever do is good enough. - author not sure

Striving for excellence is about putting our hand to something, with all our human limitations we press on, we grow.  Striving for excellence in art is about expressing yourself using your God given talent, having fun while doing it, and discovering how to be able to put the brush down after your last stroke, exhale, and smile while saying, “It is finished”. - Jill Saur