The Studio

The Studio
Experience The Joy Of Painting!


Have you had fun at a painting party? Want to further your skills? Join a weekly art class. Learn to draw, paint, and create.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Fine Art Classes - Roswell, GA.

fine art classes roswell ga
©2015 Jill Saur, all rights reserved
Martin Glaser, a legendary New York graphic designer, famous for creating the ‘I Love New York’ logo, recently spoke about something that’s dear to my heart.  Martin said, “If you can sustain your interest in what you’re doing, you’re an extremely fortunate person.  What you see very frequently in people’s professional lives, and perhaps in their emotional life as well, is that they lose interest in the third act.  You sort of get tired, and indifferent, and sometimes, defensive and you kind of lose your capacity for astonishment, and that’s a great loss, because the world is a very astonishing place.”

Most of my students lead very busy lives, are professional businessmen and women, own businesses and some are taking care of large families.  I also stay very busy with my classes, painting, the business side of what I do, and daily life.  It takes effort to re-charge and refresh the creative side but it's vitally important.

I’m in the third act of my life and  I still find wonder in observing nature, seeing the cloud formations before a storm, and getting up early to watch the sunrise over the misty waters of the Chattahoochee River. 

I agree with Martin Glaser, the world is a very astonishing place and I hope you're able to take the necessary time to be utterly astonished too! - Jill Saur

If you'd like to take fine art classes with me in Roswell, GA., please visit my website for details.  Thanks!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Fine Art Classes - Roswell, GA.

"Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced." - Leo Tolstoy

Please enjoy these finished works and works in progress by my wonderful, adventurous students.

Interested in taking art classes with me in Roswell, Ga.? Please visit my website to learn more.  CLICK HERE

painting classes roswell ga

painting classes roswell ga

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Fine Art Classes - Roswell, GA.

"Creativity takes courage". - Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse is right, creativity does take courage.  It takes courage to step out of our comfort zone, putting our personal expressions on paper or canvas, stumbling for those right lines and brushstrokes that express our innermost selves.  Yet, the reward is profoundly life changing for those who persevere!

These photos are from my students archive.  I thought I'd start sharing some of those again.  I love looking back at the accomplishments of all my students.

To see more of my awesome students work, or to inquire about taking fine art classes, please visit my website.  CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Final Result

A while back, I posted Susie's progress on her beautiful bird painting.  Here's the final result.  Below these two photos, you'll see my original post.

art classe roswell ga


Palette Preparation

I’m big on the importance of understanding color theory, but equally so, I’m really big on palette preparation before starting a painting.

I have lots of notebooks that I use to test my colors and then when I’ve decided on my palette, I keep records of the colors that I use in each painting.  It comes in handy when a collector tells me they want me to paint a landscape with the same colors in another one of my c paintings. 

I’m so proud of my students who take the time to test their colors instead of just jumping into their work, and then becoming disappointed in their results.

Below is a recipe for success. This painting is comprised of just three colors: a red, a yellow, and a blue.  You can mix just about anything from those three primary colors.  You can get beautiful grays, stunning greens, brilliant purples and so on.

I hope this helps you on your painting journey!  Want to receive my blogs in your email?  Please sign up on the right side. - Jill Saur

To inquire about taking art classes with me in the Roswell, Ga. area, please visit my website:

art classes marietta Ga.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Painting Classes Roswell, GA.

In Atlanta, fall is upon us.  I love the change of seasons.  I think it adds diversity and change to our lives and often sets us on a new path.  Often, the changing of seasons can bring on new inspiration for ideas to paint.

Here are some recent completed works from my students.  Kudos to my students who once again have done and are doing a great job! - Jill Saur

painting classes roswell ga