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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Van Gogh's Use Of Color by Jill Saur

Van Gogh Vase Flowers
Van Gogh Vase With Flowers Painting

   Van Gogh"s Use Of Complimentary Colors by Jill Saur

Title:  "Vase With Daisies And Anemones"
Painted In Paris In The Summer Of 1887

This oil on canvas by Van Gogh is rendered with stunning complimentary colors (colors that are opposites on the color wheel).  In this case the opposites are blue and orange, purple and yellow, and red and green.  In color theory, this combination of colors is known as a six tone chord (hexagon).

Van Gogh was a master of color, drawing, and composition.  He knew how to use just the right amount of a colors compliment to enhance the original hue.  

I've always been intrigued by color and experimented with it. I've spent long hours and many months studying and making color charts and complex color wheels.  Learning the difference between warm blues and cool blues, warm reds and cool reds, warm yellows and cool yellows, made all the difference in the world! 

I'm deeply inspired by the illustrious and profound work of Van Gogh.  I recently had a student (who knows I think Van Gogh hung the moon) return from a business trip to New York City.  While there, she visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and was totally blown away by seeing Van Gogh's work in person.  She told me that before her trip, she really didn't get my deep affection for his paintings.  Now she's a convert and believer in his mastery and use of color!

I teach my students a more complicated, but accurate, color wheel.  I love to see when the light goes on and they 'get' what it's all about.  Realizing how to mix color without having it turn to mud, knowing how to tone down a color without using black, and knowing how to choose the right colors for a painting, is a game changer!  

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