The Studio

The Studio
Experience The Joy Of Painting!


Have you had fun at a painting party? Want to further your skills? Join a weekly art class. Learn to draw, paint, and create.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Painting Classes Roswell, GA.

Andrew Wyeth, american artist
Andrew Wyeth Painting
Andrew Wyeth – American Master Artist  (1917-2009)

He was the quintessential example of a true American artistic genius. He was Andrew Wyeth, my favorite American Artist.  

Andrew’s disciplined artistic journey began as a young boy and his respect for the human spirit never wavered. Andrew Wyeth once said, I search for the realness, the real feeling of a subject, all the texture around it, I always want to see the third dimension of something.  I want to come alive with the object.”  Wyeth's desire was to capture a moment, not a frozen moment, but a fleeting moment. 

If you're going to paint from a photograph, it's important to know the difference between a frozen moment and a fleeting moment. It's the fleeting moment that's wrought with feeling!
Jill Saur

If you're interested in taking art classes with me, please visit my website and click on "Classes" on the top of the page.  Also, see my students amazing works of art.  CLICK HERE

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Below, please enjoy these wonderful works of art by my amazing students.

painting class marietta ga

painting class marietta ga

painting class marietta ga

painting class marietta ga

painting class marietta ga

painting class alpharetta ga

drawing class for teens marietta ga

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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Painting Class Roswell, GA.


If I'm working from a photograph, I show my students how I figure what size canvas I need to make the image much larger and still be in proportion to my photo.

I put my photo in Photoshop and click on "image size".  Photoshop will tell me the current size of the image.  I'll change one of the ratio's to see what the new proportion would be, and so on.

However, most of my students don't have Photoshop.  So, I'm going to share a link with you that will help you determine the canvas size that you'll need.  This link goes to a Giclee maker.  All you need to do is key in the original size of your photo on top and then click on "Calculate".  You'll see the closest whole sizes that your photo will work on if you want to make the image larger.

I hope this helps those of you who don't have a photo program on your computer.  CLICK HERE

Interested in painting classes?  Check out my website at the link below.

Happy Painting! - Jill Saur Fine Art LLC

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Painting Classes Roswell, Ga.

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." - Aristotle

Please enjoy the wonderful work of my students.  I love seeing the diversity of what everyone is doing!

To see more students work, or to inquire about taking art classes, please visit my website.


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